彩合网智能 创建于1997年
亨克尔带来几行的盘或锥形轴真空干燥器底部中央,搅拌式压力吸滤器过滤器和烘干机,以及水平桨机。这些措施包括: 精梳机CD-系列的中心轴锥底真空干燥器:
Vacuum Dryer
The HEINKEL-Comber lines of Pressure Nutsche Filters and Vacuum Dryers:
HEINKEL brings several lines of pan- or conical-bottom central-shaft vacuum dryers, agitated pressure Nutsche filters and dryers, as well as horizontal paddle dryers. These include: The Comber CD-Series of Central Shaft Conical Bottom Vacuum Dryers:
These vacuum dryers combine the operational efficiency of the vacuum dryer with the discharge advantage provided by their conical bottom, to bring overall process efficiency of virtually fully discharged powder that’s dried in record time. The central shaft agitator is specially designed with your application in mind, to overcome critical phases of mixing and drying of challenging applications. To find out if a central-shaft drier is the right choice to dry your slurry.